Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ego - Where Does It Lead You?

What is ego? Identity? Or personality? Or is it merely an indispensable tool to survive in this world?

EGO plays a pivotal role in a person's rise or demise. Used constructively, it can take one to heights never imagined, boosting itself in the cause, like an automated self propelled engine. And like all other fuels, this needs to be refilled too. But do we know the source? It was us who fed it all these years with achievements and success. When this is done, it looks towards others as potential sources of fuel. That's when the desire for attention and admiration arise. When this is not sufficient, it resorts to an uglier way, by stimulating (or, at least, hoping) the external world to falter, which the ego falsely believes to boost it. Thus are born hatred, jealousy, dissatisfaction and resentment. A new pathway for self damage is paved henceforth.

The solution? Dissolve the EGO. Dissolving it destroys the false identity one has towards oneself and believes the same identity is established in the society. It shatters one's beliefs and constructions that all others had so far construed upon them. It exposes one's self, stark naked, without all the achievements, glories and the success stories! What is left, NOW, is the true self, which we have forgotten and ignored out of embarrassment that the society may not value us for our true nature.

That's right! The society itself runs as a super ego today. We belong to this caste, that religion, some community or a country which establishes our identity right from the day we are born, thus dissolving us in a series of lies that we never need if the ego is no more. Our values are based in these false super values. This gives rise to conflicts - egos cannot live in harmony, anytime, anywhere, unless they are mercilessly slaughtered under the weapon of knowledge.

Animals don't have egos - they have survival instincts coded in their genes, which is essential for them. What started as a battle of survival among human species gradually turned into an addiction of success and power. Thus the kings and rulers were born, who made the rules for the common men to collectively serve to their ruler or be penalized. That's it! A new enemy for humanity, or ego's best ally, FEAR was born!! Society, religion, and codes of conduct were framed thus to facilitate the egoistic! Don't believe me? What happens when you hurl a slipper towards your ruler??

Anyways, the truth is to be understood by all. Ask yourself! How do you define yourself? If your answer is based on your material achievements, wealth, possessions, and social status, you have a long way to evolve. Rather, if you answered with terms that specify more emotions and compassion, you've nailed it!! A little reminder - material wealth, achievements, success are also possible when the ego has dissolved, or if I could say, more so. The wisdom lies in identifying the orientation we possess towards us and others, until we realize that the term 'us and others' boils down to 'we', instead of 'I'.

If you have taken your time to read this and grasp something in its way, I wish you more strength to defeat your enemy, the EGO! Finally, success lies not in defeating your enemy, but cherished best when your ego has died, and this is the time to proudly 'celebrate death'. Good luck!

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